Thursday 15 January 2009

Saturday 10 January 2009

Preliminary Task

This is my preliminary task. I've created a front cover for a college magazine. My magazine's masthead has the publication's title, 'At College'. I have taken the front cover photo at college with two students stood in front of a brick wall. The brick wall is a good background as it allows me to use roughly any colour of text. I chose three cover stories, a criticism is that I could have done more, another one being that one of the stories cuts one of the girl's heads off at the top.

Friday 9 January 2009

Front cover analysis

In this post I have analyzed a front cover of a magazine. The magazine being Paste, one of the publications I have mentioned in past posts.

I will look back at these observations when I am creating my own front cover.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Layout and composition

In my Graphic design class, we are currently designing flyers for t-shirts we have created. My teacher has extensively gone over the subject of layout with us. Two helpful rules of good layout are the 'Rule of thirds' and 'The golden rectangle'. These two particular rules will help me greatly with composition and layout when it comes to designing my magazine pages.

The rule of thirds is about how to position the subject in a picture or a photo to make it more pleasing to the viewer's eye. This will be very beneficial when I take photos of my friends to create my own bands withing my own magazine. The picture will be far more professional and in step with a real magazine publication.

Below I have an examples of the rule of thirds in action:

Above you can see a photo of two bikes. It's an average photo but nothing special, there's no real frame to it and it wouldn't look brilliant in a magazine. Watch what happens when the rule of thirds is applied to the above photograph.

The above photo now looks far better, everything is well proportioned and it has an attractive natural frame to it.

The Golden Rectangle is a 'visually pleasing geometric shape with pleasing proportions'